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Veselsko Region is constituted of twenty-two municipalities including the municipality of Veselí nad Moravou. It is a non-formal grouping of municipalities located in the South-East Moravia close to the Slovak border. The region is distinguished by the White Carpathians in the south and east and the Chřiby Hills in the north. Its landscape is characterized by fields, meadows with orchids and floodplains (along the river Morava) - a piece of land that offers more than you would expect.....
The Veselsko Region consists of: Veselí nad Moravou, Blatnice pod Svatým Antonínkem, Blatnička, Hroznová Lhota, Hrubá Vrbka, Javorník, Kněždub, Kozojídky, Kuželov, Lipov, Louka, Malá Vrbka, Moravský Písek, Nová Lhota, Radějov, Strážnice, Suchov, Tasov, Tvarožná Lhota, Velká nad Veličkou, Vnorovy and Žeraviny.
Some of the municipalities are also members of other formalized regional groupings - Microregion Strážnicko and Microregion Ostrožsko - Veselsko. To the Microregion Strážnicko belong: Hroznová Lhota, Kozojídky, Kněždub, Tvarožná Lhota, Radějov, Žeraviny, Tasov and of course Strážnice. To the Microregion Ostrožko - Veselsko belong among others: Blatnice pod sv. Antonínkem, Blatnička and Veselí nad Moravou
The rest of the municipalites form so called Horňácko region, which is situated to the foothills of White Carpathians. The region consists of nine municipalities: Lipov, Louka, Suchov, Nová Lhota, Javorník, Hrubá Vrbka, Malá Vrbka, Kuželov and a natural center of the region Velká nad Veličkou. The region is an unique ethnographic unit distinguished by specific folk culture. Worth mentioning is especially local folk architecture, folklor and traditions, which survived untill today. The perfect demonstration of local folklor and traditions are traditional folk festivities called "Horňácké slavnosti".