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On the top of the hill Radošov is situated an observation tower in the shape of a wine glass. The platform at the top of the tower offers a beautiful lookout to the surrounding landscape.
The shape the observation tower is symbolic, since the the tower environs is planted with vineyards. The tower is 15 m tall and it was open for public in May 2014. Along with the tower grand opening were also opened new nature trails in the Veselí environs, mapping important places connected to the town history. The observation tower represents a symbolic climax of one of these trails.
Lookouts: SE a E White Carpathians and Velká Javorina, SW Pálava Hills (in case of a good visibility), W Dolnomoravský úval, NW Chřiby Hills, Strážov Hill, NNW part of Hostýn Hills and Vizovice Hills .
The observation tower is freely accessible.
GPS: 48°55'29.919"N, 17°25'44.663"E